Dissertation and related documents
Dissertation and related documents
Links to documents related to the proposal:
Proposal Presentation Notes
Proposal Presentation Slides
Evaluation Rework
Links to the software:
Popup Workshop Page
Links to documents related to the dissertation:
Do I have enough user testing?
Dissertation Outline
Defense Presentation Slides
Links to parts of the dissertation:
Front Matter: Title page, Acknowledgements, Contents, etc.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Crafts, Children and Computing
Chapter 3: The Craft of Pop-ups
Chapter 4: Pop-ups and Computation
Chapter 5: The Popup Workshop System
Chapter 6: User Testing
Chapter 7: Comparison of Two Users of Popup Workshop
Chapter 8: Conclusions, Contributions, and Future Work
Appendix A: Glossary
Appendix B: Resources for Pop-up Making Learners and Teachers
Appendix C: Popup Workshop Documentation
Appendix D: User Testing Materials, Books, and Tools
Appendix E: User Testing Questionaires
Appendix F: Pop-ups Created by User Test Subjects
Appendix G: Test Subject Pop-up Analysis
Full dissertation in one file